Thursday, October 31, 2019

Foundations of Risk Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Foundations of Risk Management - Research Paper Example The challenge in cyber security is that it affects different losses from loss of privacy to loss of even finances and it goes to the extent where crucial data can be lost. Hackers can be in the country or outside the country. The challenge is that this war is beyond borders and with the world changing fast it will be a huge challenge in America in the next decade. There are many factors that are contributing to this vice one of it is that it is a channel that terrorist can use so as to further their agenda. By accessing the security intelligence system terrorists may be able to gain some ground they can also steal crucial data that they may use to their advantage such as weapons manufacturing and analyzing the best time to attack (Huffman). The second most crucial factor is greed. There are many way people can access financial transactions using the internet. Banking industry is the most affected whereby hackers try to steal money electronically even though they have really tri ed to do their part the financial losses have been going on for a while. This is what makes America have enemies from within their country. Criminals who want to get easy money. The third challenge that is proving difficult is the lack of trust among countries. American government was recently accused by Germany of hacking their Prime minister cell phone. Such acts have brought about mistrust among trusted allies in the fight against cybercrime. Apart from America Sony entertainment a company subsidiary to Sony limited wanted to release a movie that brought out diplomatic battles where North Korea allegedly hacked into the system and stole all data from Sony then released confidential emails among the Staff to the public. This cannot be ignored as petty as it brought a lot of losses to the company. From a business angle Sony Investors must have been shocked by the turn of events that

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

An Industrial relations issue, its source and how to deal with this Essay

An Industrial relations issue, its source and how to deal with this - Essay Example When employees continue to press for their demands, they are sometimes considered greedy by the management who expect more work from them with little complaints. The employees are thus sometimes considered acquisitive, selfish and a union that has a tendency to consider itself as a political watchdog of the management and abandoning their primary goal of work. This paper reports about origins, development, primary causes and the effects of industrial disputes between the employees and the employers in state corporations. The wider aspects of these industrial disputes go to wage disputes, which most managers cannot justify especially after the global economic crisis. The consumers of goods and services, which results from these state corporations, have suffered a great deal. The quality of goods and services that results from these state corporations have also been greatly compromised since the employees have not devoted a good quality of their time to service. Industrial disputes in Australia Strikes are shaped on many levels that range from the macro to the mundane, as such, attempts to understand strikes must include broadest implications of industrial relations landscape. ... In the university level, students repeatedly mobilize and demonstrate against government measures and core of the union activists agitating from within the political system, causing a lot of disruptions in the learning system. Neoliberalism and labour Neoliberalism reforms, macro stabilization and structural adjustments programs promoted by international financial institutions, state reform, trade and investment liberalization seen in most parts of the world has enlightened the work operations. These reforms have led to creation of free market economies of all types followed by liberalization regimes resulting into protective labour standards. The reduction of employer’s contribution to social security and the dismal of workers with good jobs increased subcontracting of production resulting into increased employment based on low wages and low job security (Price, 2007). These developments weakened the capacity of labour relations to represent the workers hence leading to sever al disputes arising from workers. The establishment of entrepreneurial society dominates moat organizations leading to unexpected labour relations (Alexander and Lewer, 2004). Key developments in Australian employment relations The political and employment relations process at the national level led to the creation of new rules to take care of employment interest and to increase the cooperation between the employer and the employee. The swearing in of Rudd Labour Government and the appointment of Julia Gillard as deputy prime minister saw a number of changes in employment relations but the path to change seemed slower and complicated than anticipated (Burgess and McDonald, 2003). The government has been subjected to a lot of pressure on employment and increase in wage demands from the workers in

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Models Of Strategic Change

Models Of Strategic Change Strategic Change Management This unit is written with reference to strategic change management. It gives an understanding of the models of strategic change making the concept clear. It gives an insight into the theories to make the idea a positive concept and not a negative one. Change is not always negative. It paves way for a development too but it is often taken as something that disturbs routine. It is difficult to do something other than the normal way but we do fail to accept the fact that a change can make things work better and whatever changes are made should have been decided after quite consideration. Change has become the normal way of life but success requires an organization to optimize and coordinate across the whole business. Understanding the different types of change that are required and the options available for management is a critical step in building the capacity to manage change within your organization. Acknowledgements I dedicate this assignment to my mother who worked hard all lifelong only for the upbringing of her daughters. She stood for us like the Rock Gibraltar in times of trouble. Being a single mother, she struggled hard sometimes even to feed us. Life has been too unkind to her but she never complained rather tried her best to give us a positive image of the world and the power to struggle and a never say die attitude. I am indebted to her giving me life and the power to live it in a decent way. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE NO. Acknowledgements Introduction Task 1 Task 1.1 Discuss the models of strategic change Task 1.2 Relevance of models of strategic change to organizations in the current economy Task 1.3 Assess the value of using strategic intervention techniques Task 2 Task 2.1 Examine the need for change in an organization Task 2.2 Assess the factors that are driving the need for strategic change in an organization Task 2.3 Assess the resource implications of the organization not responding to strategic change Task 3 Task 3.1 Develop systems to involve stakeholders in the planning of change Task 3.2 Develop a change management strategy with stakeholders Task 3.3 Evaluate the systems used to involve stakeholders in the planning of change Task 3.4 Create a strategy for managing resistance to change Task 4 Task 4.1 Develop appropriate models for change Task 4.2 Plan to implement a model for change Task 4.3 Develop appropriate measures to monitor progress Introduction This unit helps would-be-managers to understand the nature of change and to cope with it. It gives an understanding about change and the ways to manage with it without disturbing the working of the organization. In this unit we have discussed the different definitions and models of change which have been given by thinkers in the past which helps in evaluating the relevance of models of strategic change to organizations in the current economy. As we proceed, we examine the need for change and assess the factors that are driving the need for it. Also, the resource implications are discussed which do not respond to strategic change. The theories given by Kotter, Prosci, Lewis and others are milestones of the research on change management. Their theories have helped in thorough understanding of change management. As the topic develops, it gives vital information on the reasons of change in markets, budget pressures, new technologies and other new programs such as TQM and re-engineering. All in all, the topic is an important resource on the factors and implications that bring change. Another unavoidable and inseparable resource of the organization is stakeholders of the company. The topic discusses about systems modelling, divergence and convergence and methods of involving them into organization. It is also quite obvious that change brings resistance; therefore this unit enables us to manage resistance giving a way to strategies such as communications, education, forums, etc. The entire work gives a clear picture of change management. All a manager needs is to understand the criteria and manage with a difference on the guidelines of the researchers. Task 1: Discuss the Models of Strategic Change There are many theories about how to manage change. Most of the theories originate with leadership and change management guru, John Kotter who is a professor at Harvard Business School and world renowned change expert. The following eight steps in the change process are his contribution. JOHN KOTTER: Eight steps to transforming an organization (Kotter.J, 1995) Establishing a sense of urgency Forming a powerful guiding coalition Creating a vision Communicating the vision Empowering others to act on the vision Planning and creating short term wins Consolidating improvements and producing still more change Institutionalising new approaches Kotters research gave a whole new way to managing change. A programme of planned change and improved performance developed by Lewin involves the management of a three-phase process of behaviour modification. H:collegeimagesCAW3ZYXL.jpg Lewins Change Management Model Source: Unfreeze- Reducing those forces which behaviour in its present form, recognition of the need for change and improvement to occur. Movement Development of new attitudes or behaviour and the implementation of change. Refreezing Stabilising change at the new level and reinforcement (Hardy 1996) A new culture should be created within the organization such that managers look to change as an opportunity and adapt their business system to continuously emerging conditions. (Hussey 2000) Proscis ADKAR Effective change management demands five key goals to form the basic ADKAR model: Awareness of the need to change Desire to participate and support the change Knowledge of how to change (and what change looks like) Ability to implement the change on a day-to-day basis Reinforcement to keep the change in place (Hiatt 2003) Proscis ADKAR Source: Action Research Action research refers to a way to look at ones own work practically and check as he would like it to be. Because research is done by the person himself or the practitioner, it is called practitioner based research. It is also referred to as a form of self reflective practice because it involves the person himself and his own work. (Hardy 1999) Action research Source: Task 1.2 Evaluate the relevance of models of strategic change to organizations in the current economy Teambuilding Consensus Strategic change models, as discussed above are the keys to success of any organization provided they are implemented in a sophisticated way. To achieve effective team decision making leadership, (Franzen 1994) describes Consensus Team Decision Making CTDM model which has three key pillars. Maintain high conceptual level Strive towards consensus Manage the decision making process Strategic interventions Types of interventions selected for a project although depend on variety; they are highly concentrated in a project. Strategic interventions are useful in situations like Rapid changes in the external environment Rapid or stagnant sales Increased competition Rapid expansion of markets Mergers and acquisitions (Lewin 2005) Decision Making Contingency Theory of Decision Making Decision participative contingency theory or the Normative Decision Theory is a model which says that the efficiency of a decision procedure depends on a number of aspects of the situation: the importance of decision quality and acceptance; the quantity of relevant information possessed by the leader and subordinates. (Fiedler 1999) In the autocratic style, the leader takes decisions without consulting others. (Lewin 2005) The participative style leadership, also known as participative democratic leadership style does the job of creating and maintaining healthy relationships between the employees and their leaders.(Kotter 2007) Proactive and Reactive (Whitehead 2006) PROACTIVE REACTIVE Needs to have and use own answers Understands the power of and uses team in solving problems Makes decisions by self Requests that team members make decisions Pushes for results Shares a vision so compelling the team wants to move towards it Reacts to change Foresees and influences change Teaches team to expect direction Teaches team to be self reliant Focuses on finding and fixing problems Focuses on achieving performance outcomes Quick to punish on mistakes Lets the team learn by errors Task 1.3 Assess the value of using strategic intervention techniques in the organization The most important asset of any organization is human resource and strategic intervention helps them to adjust with the changing strategies of the organization and understand it.(George 1999). At Sapphire Beauty Box, it is vital to have a peaceful mind and sound behaviour as this profession deals with direct clientele. The method of strategic intervention assists the employees of Sapphire to find meanings to their life, discover what, and why they do and how to meet their needs in positive and negative ways which helps to promote sustainable change. (Hiatt 2006) Human Process Interventions: These are helpful in particular during change project in organizations where there are some combinations of many new employees, different cultures, working together, many conflicts, etc. Activities: Coaching, counseling, delegating, group learning, virtual teams, etc. ( Hiatt and Creasey 2003) Techno-structural Interventions: These interventions are helpful in particular for rapid growth but few internal systems to sustain growth, many complaints from customers, etc. Activities: Balanced scorecard, downsizing and out placing, ISO 9000, Six sigma, etc.(Kurt 2005) Human Resource Management interventions: These interventions are helpful in situations like establishment of new organizational goals, implementation of technology for a short time, low productivity, etc. Activities: Staffing, evaluating performance, career development, employee wellness programme (George 1999) Task 2.1 Examine the need for strategic change in the chosen organization Reasons for change Change in market: The United Kingdom is going through recession and there has been recession and the CPI annual inflation has rose to 3.3%. (London Business Times 2009). There has been increase in prices, job loss, bankruptcy and what not. Every business has gone through losses and needs to cover up their expenses. (Fiedler 1999). At this point of time, Sapphire needs to change accordingly to ease customers at their purse and still keep them coming. Economic downturns: Due to price rise, the raw material needed at the store is also become expensive. It is important to cover the costs by bringing about change in the organization. (Paul 1996) Customer Expectations: There is a very hard competition in the market especially in the beauty field. Customers get attracted to offers and it is not easy to get their confidence. To invest into customers, It is important to change the strategies accordingly. (Kotter and Cohen 2002) Competitive Edge: Competition is healthy but can be fatal if the strategies become too monotonous and outdated. There is need for change to face competition. (Kotter 1995) Sapphire needs to be updated with products and material being used by competitors and try to do better than other turning the tables towards them. (Kotter 2007) Mergers: The merger of the organization with another can lead to change in strategy as the new staff can have better ideas and plans to make the company a success. (Paul 1996). If Sapphire merges with another company to make it a success, it may have to revise the ways to do things. Change in mission: If the mission of the company changes, obviously there has to be a different strategy to deal with it. The mission of Sapphire is to fight ageing and make people look beautiful but now the market demands more of stress releasing treatments. So Sapphire needs to rethink about its strategy. (Franzen and Hardaker 1999) Task 2.2 Assess the factors that are driving the need for strategic change in an organization The Shifting Economy The economy is so very changing and dynamic. Due to the unpredictability of it, the organization is in constant need of change in the strategy and economic plan. This is more prevalent since recession Environmental factors There are certain environmental changes that have an effect on the production and sales. These changes are to be monitored and the demand of change arises. Financial pressure There occur financial pressures on the organizations, in order to meet deadlines and targets. In order to handle finances, there has to be a change in finance plans. This is where the need for change management occurs. Technological advances There has been drastic change in production, marketing, outsourcing and other fields due to technology. The organization needs upgrading and has to keep in pace with the technological advances to succeed in its mission and make way for growth. Keeping in mind the factors discussed above, there is a need for change. Funding cuts With the recession in the economy, the company has cut down on costs and funds. There is need for change in financial strategy to keep the balance. Competition Competition is a healthy asset for any business. To keep up to the standards and do better than others is very important, hence it is vital to keep a watch at what others are doing and bring change in the company accordingly. Task 2.3 Assess the resource implications of the organization not responding to strategic change Restructuring of HR- If the company does not respond to the changes as discussed above, it may have to face severe consequences and lose in the process. The organization will have to restructure the HR making way for a new beginning. There have to be leaders chosen again and staff employed for the smooth working of the company. Interview and hire of new employees Interviewing and hiring of new staff will have to be done which is a time consuming and costly process for any business. Redundancies The organization will have redundancies if proper steps for the change are not taken in time. This will affect the working and time management of the strategy of work. Training Training is another costly and time taking process. It takes a lot to train the employees and bear the costs. If the need for strategic change is understood, there is no need for the organization to bear costs or losses. ire Task 3.1 Develop systems to involve stakeholders in the planning of change in the chosen organization A stakeholder is one who has something to gain or lose through the outcomes of a planning process or project. These are also called interest groups and can have a strong bearing on the outcomes of political processes. It is useful for research projects to identify and analyse the needs and concerns of different stakeholders, particularly when these projects have an effect on policy Input-output transformation model Operations management transforms inputs (labour, capital, equipment, land, buildings, materials and information) into outputs (goods and services) that provide added value to customers. Transformation System is the critical element in the model that determines how well the company produces goods and services that meet consumer needs. It does not matter whether the organization is a for-profit company, a non-profit organization (religious organizations, hospitals, etc.), or a government agency; all organizations must strive to maximize the quality of their transformation processes to meet customer needs. Steps Involved Step 1: Clarify the research or policy change objective (Problem Tree Analysis or objectives analysis might help with this.) Stap 2: Identify all the stakeholders or interest groups associated with this objective, problem or issue. Stakeholders can be organizations, groups, departments, structures, networks or individuals. Stakeholder table Step 3: Using the grid organise the stakeholders in different matrices according to their interest and power. Interest measures to what degree they may to be affected by the research project. Power measures the influence they have over the project or policy, and to what degree they can help achieve, or block, the desired change. The Cultural Web CulturalWeb The Cultural Web The Cultural Web identifies six interrelated elements Johnson and Scholes (2002) call it the paradigm the pattern or model of the work environment. By analyzing the factors in each, you can begin to see what is working, what isnt working, and what needs to be changed. The six elements are: The past events and people talked about inside and outside the company. Who and what the company chooses to celebrate say a great deal about what it values, and perceives as great behaviour. The daily behaviour and actions of people that indicate acceptable behaviour. This determines what is expected to happen in given situations, and what is valued by management. The visual representations of the company including logos, how exquisite the offices are, and the dress codes. Multiple Cause Diagrams Multiple cause diagrams Multiple cause diagrams are a way of using interconnectedness to shape up a complex situation. They represent both adequate and casual cause without making a distinction between them. This system is pictured as an interconnected group of events or effects to cause an effect as a purpose. Sometimes, if the input cause is removed, the output cause continues to happen, may be because feedback loops are present or other causes drive the effect. Influencing skills The careless reception of authority is becoming increasingly less common in the world. To get things done, it is better to rely on commitment rather than authority. For example, gaining co-operation from other departments. Task 3.2 Develop a change management strategy with stakeholders in the chosen organization Developing a winning strategy is messier than textbooks suggest. Most insights that are important for formulating strategies rest in the heads of operating managers. (Kotter 2007) The Stakeholder Circle This is designed to put stakeholders on the project management radar. It is a proven method supported by a tough, easy to use tool that guides us through five easy steps namely: Identify your projects stakeholders and understand their needs Prioritize the stakeholders on the basis of power, proximity and urgency. Visualize the key stakeholders using the Stakeholder Circle. Engage with the stakeholders by building and implementing an effective communication plan. Monitor changes as you update and review your stakeholders at key points in the project. Public Hearings: There can be events where stakeholders are allowed to give evidence or question general public authorities about decisions. Public hearings: Regulated, formal arrangements for times and places at which members of the general public and other types of stakeholders can give evidence or question public authorities about decisions. Deliberative Polling: This collects views when people are introduced to the issue and think about it. It also includes a feedback session. Task 3.3 Evaluate the systems used to involve stakeholders in the planning of change in the chosen organization The stakeholder model is helpful in explaining the rules of the economic game and the link between stakeholder value and competitive advantage. The stakeholder strategy plan guides us on how to interact and communicate with each stakeholder during different stages of a project. It also helps to define who should participate, in what ways and on what level of the project. It gives thorough knowledge of the matter and suits best to most organizations. Other ways such as polling, seminars and workshops are also perfect ways to handle change in a proper manner. Task 3.4 Create a strategy for managing resistance to change in the chosen organization Selective Perception: Peoples self interpretation of stimuli presents a unique image of the real world and results in selective perception. This leads to biased view of the situation that fits into the perception of reality. Habit: People are used to the same way of doing things which makes a habit. It becomes serves as a source of comfort. Bringing about change brings resistance. Loss of Freedom: If the change is seen as an inconvenience, it reduces freedom of action or results in increased control, there will be resistance. Direct vs Indirect There is staff that may resist directly and others that may be indirect in resistance. Direct resistance is to oppose in a direct manner and fighting straight but indirect resistance is to show resistance by making excuses such as resigning. Task 4.1 Develop appropriate models for change in the chosen organization that will reflect their circumstances The best model for change that applies to Sapphire Beauty Box is Proscis Five Building Blocks change management model which includes the ADKAR The first thing Sapphire needs is the Awareness of the need for change. If the need for change is understood, half the job is done. Planned communication is essential for understanding. Sapphire needs change as there is a need for it. Next is the Desire to participate and help the change. The employees of Sapphire need to make a personal decision to support the change and sustain it too. The CEO announced incentives for individuals creating a desire to be a part of the change. The third building block is providing Knowledge. Sapphire held a seminar for imparting awareness for change, how to undergo change and how to implement it. Prosci (2003) suggested forums and mentoring for knowledge of change. Ability to implement required skills and behavior is another building block of the ADKAR model. It is the difference between theory and practice. Once knowledge is imparted on change, the performance of the individual needs to be supported. Sapphire can do this by practice, coaching and feedback. Lat, but not the least comes Reinforcement. It is the final and essential stage of the model where efforts to sustain the change is accentuated. It is to be ensured that changes stay in place and individuals do not revert to old ways. The ways to do it are positive feedback, recognition, rewarding, etc. Sapphire makes it a point to take feedback of the customers as well as the employees to keep both sides balanced. There is a Best Employee of the Month award scheme at Sapphire Beauty Box which inspires employees to do their best. Proscis Change Management Model Task 4.2 Plan to implement a model for change considering the internal and external circumstances impacting on the organization Kaizen Method This is a Japanese method for continuous incremental improvement. It is a concept for gradual, continuous improvement. It assumes that every aspect of life has to be constantly improved. The main elements of Kaizen are effort, quality, and willingness to change, communication and involvement of employees. Its five founding elements are Teamwork Personal Discipline Improved Morale Quality Circles and Suggestions for Improvement. The Kaizen method is best for Sapphire Beauty Box as it is people oriented, requires long term discipline and easy to implement. Matrix Organizations This kind of organization offers the advantages of flexibility, greater security and control of project information. It establishes a grid with a two way flow of authority and responsibility. Task 4.3 Develop appropriate measures to monitor progress of the developed model Goal Based Evaluation To start with goal based evaluation, there can be two main questions we can ask for How has the programme made a difference Are the participants of the programme feeling better as a result of the programme? Outcome based evaluation is a way that determines if the project at Sapphire Beauty Box have achieved its goals. The organized process using OBE helps to establish clear outcomes, to measure benefits, clarify groups for which benefits are targeted. Other ways to monitor progress in Sapphire Beauty Box are regular reports of the activities being practiced in there. Meetings are also undertaken by higher authorities to administer the changes and keep a watch on them. Quality Circles appear simple and straightforward but have to be viewed in regard to Japanese culture and management systems. Quality circles are do work and are used successfully by British organizations. . CONCLUSION It can be concluded that strategic change is the key factor in any organization. Change is a pervasive influence. We are all subject to change in one form or the other which is continuous. The steps to change from Kotter give vital knowledge about making change Kotter is called the GURU in terms of change management. Proscis ADKAR building blocks give deep understanding and guidance for applying change and monitoring it to sustain change. Kurt Lewins change model is also an important one. The freeze, refreeze and transition stages develop new attitudes and behaviour.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Enlightenment :: European Europe History

The Enlightenment The Enlightenment is a name given by historians to an intellectual movement that was predominant in the Western world during the 18th century. Strongly influenced by the rise of modern science and by the aftermath of the long religious conflict that followed the Reformation, the thinkers of the Enlightenment (called philosophes in France) were committed to secular views based on reason or human understanding only, which they hoped would provide a basis for beneficial changes affecting every area of life and thought. The more extreme and radical philosophes-Denis Diderot, Claude Adrien Helvetius, Baron d'Holbach, the Marquis de Condorcet, and Julien Offroy de La Mettrie (1709-51)--advocated a philosophical rationalism deriving its methods from science and natural philosophy that would replace religion as the means of knowing nature and destiny of humanity; these men were materialists, pantheists, or atheists. Other enlightened thinkers, such as Pierre Bayle, Voltaire, David Hume, Jean Le Rond D'alembert, and Immanuel Kant, opposed fanaticism, but were either agnostic or left room for some kind of religious faith. All of the philosophes saw themselves as continuing the work of the great 17th century pioneers-Francis Bacon, Galileo, Descartes, Leibnitz, Isaac Newton, and John Locke-who had developed fruitful methods of rational and empirical inquiry and had demonstrated the possibility of a world remade by the application of knowledge for human benefit. The philosophes believed that science could reveal nature as it truly is and show how it could be controlled and manipulated. This belief provided an incentive to extend scientific methods into every field of inquiry, thus laying the groundwork for the development of the modern social sciences. The enlightened understanding of human nature was one that emphasized the right to self-expression and human fulfillment, the right to think freely and express one's views publicly without censorship or fear of repression. Voltaire admired the freedom he found in England and fostered the spread of English ideas on the Continent. He and his followers opposed the intolerance of the established Christian churches of their day, as well as the European governments that controlled and suppressed dissenting opinions. For example, the social disease which Pangloss caught from Paquette was traced to a "very learned Franciscan" and later to a Jesuit. Also, Candide reminisces that his passion for Cunegonde first developed at a Mass. More conservative enlightened thinkers, concerned primarily with efficiency and administrative order, favored the "enlightened despotism" of such monarchs as Emperor Joseph II, Frederick II of Prussia, and Catherine II of Russia.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Meno Essay

Meno Paper Assignment Can virtue be taught? Plato starts off the Meno with this simple question. Prior to answering this question, Socrates is adamant about first understanding what virtue is. Socrates and Meno go back and forth throughout the story attempting to figure out the definition of virtue. When they come to the conclusion that they do not know what virtue is, they attempt to prove whether virtue can be taught, is attainable by practice, or is simply possessed by nature. As Meno asks Socrates whether virtue can be taught, Socrates explains to him that he does not know what virtue is.Meno defines virtue to Socrates in many forms. For a man virtue is managing public affairs and in turn benefiting his friends, and harming his enemies. For a woman she must manage the home well, preserve its possessions, and be submissive to her husband. He also explains that a child, a slave or an elderly man also have different virtues. Socrates refutes this definition of virtue. He has not bee n given a definition but yet a list of examples. He gets his point across to Meno by using bees as an example. There are many different types of bees, but one bee does not differ from another in the fact that they are both bees.This same concept has to be true with virtue, for there are many and various types but they all have the same form making them virtues. Here we are presented with the first rule of giving a definition, and that is simply to not give examples. Meno attempts to give Socrates a second definition, stating that virtue is simply the ability to rule over people. Once again Socrates refutes this definition. In the case of a slave or a child this cannot be true; hence this is merely another example of a specific trait of someone who is virtuous. Socrates also adds that if this were true than it would have to be justly and not unjustly.Menos response to this is that justice is virtue. Is justice virtue or is it a type of virtue? This is the next issue Socrates points o ut to Meno. In response Meno says that justice is a type of virtue, therefore he has done nothing more than give another useless example of virtue. Socrates wants to put an end to this problem so he gives Meno the definition of both shape and color to give him an example of a good definition. We are given a third definition by Meno, in which he states that virtue is to desire beautiful things and have the power to acquire them.With this Socrates translates desire for beautiful things as the desire for good things. Meno agrees with this statement, in turn allowing Socrates to once again disprove this definition. There are those who desire bad things, but in their own minds believe these bad things to be good. Therefore these people essentially desire good things but are not virtuous. Meno now explains to Socrates that he has found the definition; it is the capacity to acquire good things with justice. Socrates goes on to explain that this is yet again just a fragment of virtue.In ess ence all Meno has explained now is that virtue is virtue, for justice is a type of virtue. Socrates has brought forward the second rule of definitions, which is that you can’t use the word in the definition. At this point Meno is perplexed, and begins to get angry with Socrates. He informs him with the fact that he came here knowing exactly what virtue was, but now Socrates has driven Meno to the point that he now doesn’t know what virtue is either. Socrates explains that he has not done this purposely but that he truly is just as perplexed, and therefore they should search for this answer together.Meno displays his confusion by asking how it is even possible to search for something that you do not know at all. This is where Socrates introduces the idea that the soul is immortal and learning that which we do not know is recollection. Meno would like Socrates to show him that this is true. Consequently Socrates picks out a slave boy, who was raised in the home of Meno, and begins to ask him geometric questions. He questions the boy about a square, naming the different principles and rules of a square.As the boy begins to answer these questions correctly, Socrates points out to Meno that he has created his own right opinion concerning this logic. Through constant questioning the boy is able to form right opinions on logics that he has never before been presented. Socrates reveals to Meno that this is recollection. Being immortal the soul has learned all there is to know, whether it be in this life as a human or in a time prior to that. In turn recollection is simply the process of turning true opinions into knowledge through constant questioning.With this being known, Socrates illustrates to Meno that one should always seek to find out that which they do not know. In order to find out whether virtue can be taught Socrates and Meno set up a hypothesis that virtue is something good. Socrates begins to elaborate on this fact by stating that if virtue is good, than it is beneficial. They begin to examine what kind of things benefit an individual. Socrates and Meno both agree that Health, strength, beauty, and also wealth all benefit us. Socrates also points out that these same things can do harm do someone.So what is the directing factor that determines whether they are beneficial or harmful? All things directed by wisdom end in happiness. Therefore since virtue is beneficial, it must be knowledge. In turn virtue must be a kind of wisdom. If this is true, then virtue can be taught. Meno agrees with Socrates that this is true. Immediately after the two agree Socrates questions whether they were wrong by agreeing to this. He points out to Meno that virtue might not be knowledge. If knowledge is teachable, and virtue is knowledge, then there would be teachers as well as learners of virtue.Up to now they have not been able to come across any such individuals. At this point Anytus is introduced into the story, and Socrates invites him to join them in their search for teachers of virtue. Socrates asks Anytus if they should send Meno to the sophists who profess to teach virtue. Anytus wastes no time in sharing his negative harsh views of these sophists. Socrates tells Anytus to give Meno the name of an Athenian in which he should visit to learn the meaning of virtue. Anytus claims that any Greek citizen would be able to make him a better man that the sophists.Of these good men can any of them teach virtue, for they have yet to see this. Socrates uses Themistocles as a prime example; he was even the best of men but failed to pass down his virtue to his son. Instead he taught his son to be a great horseman. He presents Anytus with a couple other examples of virtuous men who failed to pass their virtue down to their children. At this point Anytus becomes angry and he leaves. He asks Meno if there are many good men among his people. Meno says that there are many good men. Among these good men do they agree hat they ar e teachers and virtue can be taught? Meno states that sometimes they say it can be taught, and other times they say it cannot be taught. After hearing this Socrates goes on to explain that these men cannot even agree on this point, therefore they are not teachers of this subject. Thus there are no teachers of this subject, as well as no learners, consequently virtue cannot be taught. Now that Meno and Socrates have agreed that virtue cannot be taught, Socrates begins to explain where they went wrong in their original investigation.He explains that they were right in agreeing that good men must be beneficial, and that they will be beneficent if they give correct direction in our affairs. The agreement that one cannot give correct direction if one does not have knowledge, is where they have gone wrong. One may use right opinion as a guide for correct action, in which it is no less useful than knowledge. Right opinion and knowledge differ in the fact that right opinion escapes a manâ⠂¬â„¢s mind very quickly. It is not until one ties these right opinions down, by giving an account of the reason why, that they become knowledge.Socrates explains to Meno that this is recollection, as they have previously gone over. At this point Socrates and Meno have come to a conclusion. Virtue is not teachable and is not acquired by nature, but comes to those who possess it as a gift from the gods which is not accompanies by understanding. Socrates leaves Meno and ends the story with one final statement. He says to Meno, â€Å"We shall have clear knowledge of this when, before we investigate how it comes to be present in men, we first try to find out what virtue in itself is. †

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

A Doll House relationship comparison: Nora and Torvald v. Christine and Krogstad Essay

Henrik Ibsen creates many interesting and complex characters in his play A Doll’s House. Both the Helmers and Christine and Krogstad have very fascinating relationships. Nora and Torvald have a very insubstantial relationship in which Nora has no say or independence and is completely under Torvald’s control. Christine and Krogstad have their share of issues but they are able to work them out like reasonable adults. Nora/Torvald and Christine/Krogstad are two fundamentally different sets of people. Nora and Torvald have been married for a long time and they do their best to make sure they are happy. Nora loves Torvald very much and would do anything to for him. â€Å"Nora: Now I will show you that I too have something to be proud of. It was I that saved Torvald’s life.† (p.10) Nora was willing to commit a crime for Torvald to keep him from becoming very ill and dying. Torvald loves Nora but sees her more as a child and is generally more concerned about what others think of him then of what Nora thinks. â€Å"Torvald: From now on, forget happiness. Now it’s just about saving the remains, the wreckage, the appearance.† (Act III) Instead of saying that he would protect her he goes into a rage and tells Nora she is unfit to have anything to do with their children. He sees her more as a fragile doll than an actual person. Nora realizes too late that all she has been to the people in her life is a marionette whose strings are passed back and forth by the male figures in her life. â€Å"Nora: I have been performing tricks for you, Torvald. That’s how I’ve survived. You wanted it like that. You and Papa have done me a great wrong. It’s because of you I’ve made nothing of my life.† (Act III). Her life has just been a performance in which she did her best to please the men in her life. She realizes that in order to become independent that she has to get away. She finally becomes independent at the end of the play and saves herself from what could be called a sham of a marriage. Christine and Krogstad were married before but Christine left Krogstad for a richer man in order to take care of her ailing mother and younger brothers. Christine loved Krogstad but at the time he did not have the money she needed to insure that her family would be taken care of. Krogstad was devastated after Christine left him, which made him into a bitter, unhappy man. â€Å"Krogstad: When I lost you, it was as if all the solid ground went out from under my feet. Look at me now–I am a shipwrecked man clinging to a bit of wreckage.† (Act III) Krogstad secretly still loves her and in the end they get back together. The one fundamental difference between the Helmers and Christine and Krogstad is that they were able to work out their problems and solve their issues like reasonable adults. Henrik Ibsen creates a fascinating tale filled with intrigue and set of characters that make for a great story. The Helmers and Christine and Krogstad have very different perceptions of what love is. The key to any healthy relationship is to be able to work out your problems and not let anything get in the way of the love felt for the other person in the relationship. Nora and Torvald in the end weren’t meant for each other and Christine and Krogstad, after working out their differences were able to continue on happily. Nora/Torvald and Christine/Krogstad truly are two fundamentally different sets of people.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Quotes to Use in a Toast at Your Sisters Wedding

Quotes to Use in a Toast at Your Sisters Wedding Your sisters getting married and youve been asked to make a toast. Fortunately, many wonderful authors have written about their sisters, providing you with some wonderful starting points for your toast. Whatever your relationship with your sister and your personal style, at least one of these will feel right to you. Heartfelt and Loving Quotes Start your toast with one of these quotes, and then add your own personal touch. Explain how the quote relates to your own relationship with your sister. Tell a little story about the bond you share. Then wish the happy couple joy! A sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit, a golden thread to the meaning of life. Isadora JamesYou may be as different as the sun and the moon, but the same blood flows through both your hearts. You need her, as she needs you. George R. R. MartinTo have a loving relationship with a sister is not simply to have a buddy or a confident - it is to have a soulmate for life.  Victoria SecundaBless you, my darling, and remember you are always in the heart- oh tucked so close there is no chance of escape- of your sister.  Katherine Mansfield Funny and Snarky Quotes If you and your sister tend to be silly rather than sincere, these quotes may be a perfect start for your toast. Use the quote, then tell a little story from your own lives that reflect the sentiment. Even if your story is a little snarky, though, be sure to finish up with a warm wish for happiness that comes from the heart! Having a sister is like having a best friend you can’t get rid of. You know whatever you do, they’ll still be there.  Amy LiMore than Santa Claus, your sister knows when you’ve been bad and good.   Linda SunshineBig sisters are the crabgrass in the lawn of life. Charles M. SchulzYou can kid the world, but not your sister.  Charlotte GrayHow the hell do you sum up your sister in three minutes? She’s your twin and your polar opposite. She’s your constant companion and your competition. She’s your best friend and the biggest bitch in the world. She’s everything you wish you could be and everything you wish you weren’t.  Ã‚  M. Molly BackesThere’s nobody in the world that knows me better than my sister.  Tia Mowry  Ã¢â‚¬ ¦she’ll go and fall in love, and there’s an end of peace and fun, and cozy times together.†Ã‚  Louisa May AlcottA sister smiles when one tells ones stories, for she knows where the decoration has been added. Chris Montaigne Sincere Quotes While some siblings feel comfortable being cute or funny at a wedding, most prefer to be sincere. These quotes give you a jumping off place for a wonderful toast that celebrates the meaning of sisterhood.   A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost. Marian GarrettyThe best thing about having a sister was that I always had a friend. Cali Rae TurnerDon’t believe an accident of birth makes people sisters or brothers. It makes them siblings, gives them mutuality of parentage. Sisterhood and brotherhood is a condition people have to work at. Maya AngelouA sister can be seen as someone who is both ourselves and very much not ourselves; a special kind of double. Toni MorrisonHelp one another, is part of the religion of sisterhood. Louisa May AlcottShe is your mirror, shining back at you with a world of possibilities. She is your witness, who sees you at your worst and best, and loves you anyway. She is your partner in crime, your midnight companion, someone who knows when you are smiling, even in the dark. She is your teacher, your defense attorney, your personal press agent, even your shrink. Some days, she’s the reason you wish you were an only child.  Barb ara Alpert

Monday, October 21, 2019

Detecting Signs of E.T.

Detecting Signs of E.T. From time to time, the news media falls in love with stories about how aliens have been found. From the detection of a possible signal from a distant civilization to tales of an alien megastructure around a star observed by the Kepler Space Telescope to the story of the WOW! signal detected in 1977 by an astronomer at Ohio State University, any time theres a hint of a puzzling discovery in astronomy, we see breathless headlines that aliens have been found.   In point of fact, there hasnt been an alien civilization found...yet. But, astronomers keep looking! Finding Something Weird In late summer 2016, astronomers picked up what seemed like a signal from a distant sun-like star called HD 164595. Preliminary searches using the Allen Telescope Array in California showed that the signal picked up by a Russian telescope was not likely from an alien civilization. However, more telescopes will check out the signal to understand what it is and what could be making it. For   now, however, its problem not little green aliens sending us a howdy.   Another star, called KIC 8462852, was observed by Kepler for more than four years. It appears to have a variability in its brightness. That is, the light we perceive coming from this F-type star dims periodically. Its not a regular period of time, so its probably not caused by an orbiting planet. Such planet-caused dimmings are called transits. Kepler has cataloged many stars using the transit method and found thousands of planets this way. But, the dimming of KIC 8462852 was just too irregular. While astronomers and observers worked on cataloging its dimmings, they also talked to an astronomer who had been thinking hard about what we might see if a distant star had planets with life on them. And, in particular, if that life was technologically able to build superstructures around their star to harvest its light (for example).    What Could it Be? If a big structure orbited a star, it could cause the variability in the stars brightness to be irregular or even random-seeming. Of course, there are some caveats with this idea. First, distance is a problem. Even a fairly large structure would be difficult to detect from Earth, even with very strong detectors. Second, the star itself could have some strange variable pattern, and astronomers would need to observe it for longer periods of time to figure out what it is. Third, stars with dust clouds around them can also have fairly large planetary structures forming. Those planetesimals could also cause irregular brightness dips in the starlight we detect from Earth, especially if they were orbiting at staggered distances. Finally, catastrophic collisions between clumps of material around a star could deliver huge groups of objects such as cometary nuclei in orbit around the star. Those could also affected the perceived brightness of the star.   The Simple Truth In science, theres a rule that we follow called Occams Razor - it means, essentially, for any given event or object you observe, generally the most plausible explanation is the simplest one.   In this case, stars with clumps of dust, planetesimals, or roving exo-comets are more likely than aliens. Thats because stars FORM in cloud of gas and dust, and younger stars still have material around them left over from the formation of their planets. KIC 8462852 could be in in a planet-forming stage, consistent with its age and mass (its about 1.4 times the mass of the Sun and a bit younger than our star). So, the simplest explanation here is NOT an alien megacomplex, but swarms of comets.   The Search Protocol The search for extrasolar planets has always been a prelude to a search for life elsewhere in the universe. Each star and planet system discovered to have worlds has to be examined carefully so that astronomers understand its inventory of planets, moons, rings, asteroids, and comets. Once thats done, the next step is to figure out if the worlds are friendly to life -- that is, are they habitable? They do this by trying to understand if the world has an atmosphere, where it is in its orbit around the star, and what its evolutionary state might be.   So far, none have been found hospitable. But, theyll be found. Odds are, there is intelligent life elsewere in the universe. Eventually, we will detect it - or it will find us. In the meantime, astronomers on Earth continue to search for habitable planets around likely stars. The more they study, they more theyll be ready to recognize lifes effects elsewhere.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

What Is Communication and How to Use It Effectively

What Is Communication and How to Use It Effectively Communication is the process of sending and receiving messages through verbal or nonverbal means, including speech, or oral communication; writing  and graphical representations (such as infographics, maps, and charts); and  signs,  signals, and behavior. More simply, communication is said to be the creation and exchange of meaning.   Media critic and theorist James Carey  defined communication as a symbolic process whereby reality is produced, maintained, repaired and transformed in his 1992 book Communication as Culture, positing that we define our reality via sharing our experience with others. All creatures on earth have developed means in which to convey their emotions and thoughts to one another. However, its the ability of humans to use words and language to transfer specific  meanings that sets them apart from the animal kingdom. Components of Communication To break it down, in any communication there is a sender and a receiver, a message, and interpretations of meaning on both ends. The receiver gives feedback to the sender of the message, both during the messages conveyance and afterward. Feedback signals can be verbal or nonverbal, such as nodding in agreement or looking away and sighing or other myriad gestures. Theres also the context of the message, the environment its given in, and potential for interference during its sending or receipt.   If the receiver can see the sender, he or she can obtain not only the messages contents but also nonverbal communication that the sender is giving off, from confidence to nervousness, professionalism to flippancy. If the receiver can hear the sender, he or she can also pick up cues from the senders tone of voice, such as emphasis and emotion.   Rhetorical Communication- The Written Form Another thing that sets humans apart from their animal cohabiters is our use of writing as a means of communication, which has been a part of the human experience for more than  5,000 years. In fact, the first essay - coincidentally about speaking effectively - is estimated to be from around the year 3,000 B.C., originating in Egypt, though it wasnt until much later that the general population was considered literate. Still, James C. McCroskey notes in An Introduction to Rhetorical Communication that texts like these are significant because they establish the historical fact that interest in rhetorical communication is nearly 5,000 years old. In fact, McCroskey posits that most ancient texts were written as instructions for communicating effectively, further emphasizing early civilizations value of furthering the practice. Through time this reliance has only grown, especially in the Internet age. Now, written or rhetorical communication is one of the favored and primary means of talking to one another - be it an instant message or a text, a Facebook post or a tweet. As Daniel Boorstin observed in Democracy and Its Discontents, the most important single change in human consciousness in the last century, and especially in the American consciousness, has been the multiplying of the means and forms of what we call communication. This is especially true in modern times with the advent of texting, e-mail, and social media as forms of communicating with others around the world. With more means of communication,  there are also  now even more ways to be misunderstood than ever. If a message contains just the written word (such as a text or email), the sender needs to be confident in its clarity, that it cannot be misinterpreted. Emails can often come off cold or clipped without that being the intention of the sender, for example, yet its not considered professional to have emoticons in formal communication to help convey  the proper meaning and context.  Ã‚   Before You Open Your Mouth or Hit Send Before preparing your message, whether its going to be in person one-on-one, in front of an audience, over the phone, or done in writing, consider the audience wholl be receiving your information, the context, and your means to convey it. What way will be the most effective? What will you have to do to ensure its conveyed properly? What do you want to make sure that you dont convey? If its important and going to be relayed in a professional context, maybe youll practice beforehand, prepare slides and graphics, and pick out professional attire so that your appearance or mannerisms dont distract from your  message. If its a written message youre preparing, youll likely want to proofread, make sure the recipients name is spelled correctly and read it aloud to find dropped words or clunky phrasing before sending it.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

A Critical Analysis of Duncan Joness Moon Essay

A Critical Analysis of Duncan Joness Moon - Essay Example The movie setup represents a futuristic aspect whereby human beings have managed to solve their fuel problems, and hence managed to substitute the earthly fuel reserves with newly discovered oil supplements on the moon. Therefore, Sam’s role was to make observations, and communicate with other members of the extraction team on earth. For, a common case, human beings perceive science fiction to be associated with scientific innovations and matters concerning the space and the moon in general. Human being's perception about science fiction involves the belief that the moon and other features found within the earths galaxy basically indicated untapped fields. As a result , most of the scriptwriters and movie directors tend to incorporate the aspects of complex machinery, with amazing features and abilities. This feature basically forms an illusion that some of the features that are relayed in the movies will be realized after a number of years. This feature makes up the entire co ntent of the science fiction movies. The features will be the basis of discussion in the following essay. The movie moon, clearly illustrated the various innovations that the modern day scientist has not been able to achieve. It is a clear reflection of the scientific milestones that human beings hope to achieve in the near future. According to the movie, the human being character exhibited , gives the impression that the post -modern human being is surely and educated on the various earthly complications, that affect life, on the surface of the earth. Secondly, the human being exhibited in the movie is also knowledgeable about the various environmental implications of mining, and the results of disruption of activities in the biosphere. According to Science Tech Story (2013), Science fiction movies are usually far from reality. The Creators of such movies, do not usually have the real data and reference material that can back up their illustrations. They base their work on mere spe culation, and also the relation to the present innovations, that have come up in comparison to the previously produced science fiction films. In comparison to Cinema, science fiction according to Bradshaw. P (2009), takes an animated view, most of the highlighted subjects are usually fabricated, or the authors merely make an assumption of futuristic occurrences. Generally, the information reflected upon is entirely false, or there is some little bit of truth in it. Scott. A.O ( 2009), noted that science fiction movies tend to adopt some of the already proven information. In addition, they make certain alterations to it, in order to enable people to relate to it, which might in a way influence how they respond to the movie. A cinema on the other hand is not different from science fiction, according to Velasco. R. J (2013), cinema is basically the British name for movie theatres. Science fiction is in itself a component of both cinema and television. Many schools may hold the opinion that one is the improvement of the other, but in real sense both are different from each other. Science fiction is a field that is endowed with numerous scientific modifications. To be able to come up with efficient technology, involving both cinema and television viewing, there must be an application of efficient technological advancements that back up this invention. This among other issues generally relates to both fields. Science fiction is a field related to advancement in technological creations. Some of the innovations made in the yester years that served as key indicators of the changes are displayed by the televisions. Science fiction relays the future as time with significant changes in motion. When the same

Friday, October 18, 2019

Water-astronomy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Water-astronomy - Essay Example Seeing the detail on how everything works on earth has become the guiding point of inquisitive minds to understand further the mystery beyond the universe. Scientists found that the earth is just an integral component of a solar system ruled over by a star within the vast Milky Way. The Milky Way galaxy consists of millions of these stars, which means the odds of having a habitable planet, as earth is higher. However, there are still thousands of galaxies across the universe that based on supporting details from Einstein’s theory, have continue to move away from each other, leading to the point that the universe could be expanding at some point (Fang and Chu 97). Understanding these ideas about the universe could lead us to conclude that it could be so huge beyond our imagination. There are infinite possibilities out there that science continues to unearth. Scientists keep on to dig more theories and scientific proofs just to back up some essential ideas that could help them piece together the relevant information about the universe. For thousands of years, the existence in this universe remains a mystery to the humankind. While the earth is a physical proof that we could see, feel and touch, and that is integral part of the big part of the universe, scientists in most of their studies have based on their meaningful understanding by what they observed from this blue planet. This means they are trying to understand the whole part of information by starting from its very detailed component. This makes sense as a good guiding point in order to learn more about the universe. In fact, this analogy applies to our understanding about the entire water, for instance. We know about water and its importance, but most of us have a slightest idea that behind what we can see about the water is the presence of sub-atomic particles that are combined just to produce a liquid form of matter that has universal importance for the

Construction Contracts in Context Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Construction Contracts in Context - Essay Example Hoover‘EmUp PLC (‘Hoover’) brought out share of SkyHigh Project Limited (‘SkyHigh’) which was a middle sized contraction company. The initial designs were done by PrimeDesign Partnership (‘PrimeDesign’). Hoover had a lawyer who helped him in his projects. The lawyer usually goes through his paper to be updated with the agreements he is in. During one particular diligence exercise he noticed that Hoover had misstated some of his documents. Being a written contact it might give the opponent a good hand in case of a dispute. The statements brought him into a big problem for design defects were noticed in the building. When Hoover noticed the problem he blamed it to PrimeDesign. The use of different legal issues in construction was the only way they have to meet their claims2. A good construction contract should be able to adhere to the Legal issues related to construction. Different contractual and legal issues were noticed in the case. Legal issue discovered during the investigation of the case3. The first issue was the one that deals with contractors and subcontractors. The issue deals with matters concerning what contractors are held liable during the building process4. It states that contractors and subcontractors are liability in automobile, commercial general and worker compensation/ employers’ liability. Hoover being the employer of PrimeDesign he is protected by this law. He has the right to sue PrimeDesign and claim for compensation. He can use the advantage of this law to ensure that SkyHigh has been compensated completely or partially for the design problem which is expensive. Another issue is in term of risk of the property or the builder. Risk of property of builder section tackled accidents that may lead damage of property or bodily damage. The decisions are made based on different considerations. Location of the project, type of project, cost associated with the project, type of contract, owner’s desires

Curriculum questions Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Curriculum questions - Coursework Example According to the chosen standards documents, the analysis process is highly focused on few major aspects including curriculum documentation process, situation resulted in the development phase primary purposes and organizing process of the contents, implementation process of the curriculum and evaluation of the learning outcomes, and identifying strengths and limitations of the curriculum (Parkway Central Middle School, 2013). The limitations that have been recognized in the curriculum documentation process are the inability to define the key roles and significance of the curriculum critically along with its transaction. Moreover, problems associated with exploring syllabuses and their association with the ESOL standards is observed as a major limitation of the curriculum analysis (Posner, 1995). During the development phase of the curriculum, the project team is involved in various situations. In this regard, the superintendent makes the curriculum development project. The superintendent is accountable for generating effective set of cast characters associated with the curriculum standards and accordingly, supervise their roles. Few of the major cast characters associated with the development phase of the curriculum include Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning; Assistant Superintendent of Student Services; Human Resources Consultant; Chief, Communication, Information and Financial Officers. The key cast characters in the curriculum development project are affiliated with the curriculum standards in English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). According to the curriculum development project for 6-8 grade, the Assistant Superintendents of both teaching and student services are responsible to identify the required set of curriculum activities that can address t he needs of the first grade learners. Moreover, they are also accountable to

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Mississippi Burning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Mississippi Burning - Essay Example Three civil rights workers were murdered in America in the year 1964; the murdered took place in the US state of Mississippi this is why the film was named Mississippi burning. The FBI inevitably got involved in the investigation and the film also showcases two agents trying hard to uncover the truth. Alan Parker directed this film and it was written by Chris Gerolmo. The movie was very well liked by the audience and it went on to win several accolades which included the best film for cinematography, best picture, best sound and a host of other awards. In spite of doing well the movie was severely criticized because according to the critics the film fails to present the historical records in the right manner. The director of the movie had to come out and defend the movie by saying it was no documentary, it was instead dramatization. â€Å"Mississippi Burning  is set in 1964 when three civil rights workers are murdered in a small town by members of the Ku Klux Klan.† (Mississ ippi Burning) In American society the civil rights workers are given very little protection but the film portrays the FBI agents as real heroes, they come to Mississippi to investigate the murder of the victims but in reality very little has been done to protect the civil rights workers in America. ... The movie created a ruckus, a scene in the movie showed a white man beating a black boy while he was praying; this created a lot of problems. This was seen as racism by many people and it even antagonized the blacks living in America. A few black men started beating up a white boy after discussing the movie as a result of which a huge uproar in America was caused. Directors must always keep in mind that their movies are more than capable of disturbing the law and order in a country because so many people watch it and they interpret the scenes in their own way and this may cause so many unforeseen problems. Such race sensitive scenes should not be shown in movies to be on the safer side. The movie also gave rise to hate crime after its release. Above case which has been discussed in the paper became a very important case in the American constitution. â€Å"A highly charged box of fireworks is the best way to describe "Mississippi Burning". It is 1964 and the Civil Rights Movement is tearing apart many areas in the Deep South. Mississippi is definitely the hottest spot of all as the entire state seems to be split between whites and African Americans.† (Mississippi Burning) The three African American men who were murdered in Mississippi were seeking justice, they wanted the right to vote like any other American but this did not go down too well with The Ku Klux Klan and the local police authorities. Those three men were abducted and murdered very ruthlessly. Miburn was the name of mission undertaken by the FBI to solve this mystery, Miburn stood for Mississippi burning and the investigation found the corpses of those three civil rights workers and the investigation also found the identity of the people who killed them. â€Å"The U. S.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Let them die Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Let them die - Essay Example 500 hundred languages are spoken by less than 100 speakers; another 1500 languages are spoken by less than 1000 speakers. Most of the languages will survive in the next decades. Such disappearances are galvanized into action in increasingly vocal campaign to preserve a linguistic diversity. When a language dies we lose the possibilities of a unique way of describing and perceiving the world. The effect of homogenizing monoculture upon the ways of life, pop ham was afraid of the spread of English by the American culture; it was delivered by Japanese technology and hegemony of a few notable transactional languages. David a linguist echoed the sentiments last year. We care about the dying languages which reduces the diversity of the planets. Vanishing voices, Daniel and Suzanne, link to preserve languages to the campaign for fundamental human rights and protection the minority groups which is regarded as aggressive cultural imperialism and globalization, they argue in a bench mark in cultural diversity. Death of languages is symptomatic cultural death a way life disappears. The point of any language is to enable communication, the translator Miguel Leon and renowned Mexican historian has put it in order to survive, a language must have a functional language spoken by few or a hundred, is not a language. Enriching to learn other languages delve into other cultures, but it is not because different cultures and languages are unique. Making across contact of barriers of culture and languages allows room for expansion of horizons and becomes more universal (Lyons, 148). Human capacity of any language shapes the way of thinking, most linguists long given idea about people perception of the world, and concepts they hold. French speakers view the universe differently from the English speakers; they speak French which is clearly absurd. Biological notions of racial differences have fallen into disfavor, as a result, of the

Mississippi Burning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Mississippi Burning - Essay Example Three civil rights workers were murdered in America in the year 1964; the murdered took place in the US state of Mississippi this is why the film was named Mississippi burning. The FBI inevitably got involved in the investigation and the film also showcases two agents trying hard to uncover the truth. Alan Parker directed this film and it was written by Chris Gerolmo. The movie was very well liked by the audience and it went on to win several accolades which included the best film for cinematography, best picture, best sound and a host of other awards. In spite of doing well the movie was severely criticized because according to the critics the film fails to present the historical records in the right manner. The director of the movie had to come out and defend the movie by saying it was no documentary, it was instead dramatization. â€Å"Mississippi Burning  is set in 1964 when three civil rights workers are murdered in a small town by members of the Ku Klux Klan.† (Mississ ippi Burning) In American society the civil rights workers are given very little protection but the film portrays the FBI agents as real heroes, they come to Mississippi to investigate the murder of the victims but in reality very little has been done to protect the civil rights workers in America. ... The movie created a ruckus, a scene in the movie showed a white man beating a black boy while he was praying; this created a lot of problems. This was seen as racism by many people and it even antagonized the blacks living in America. A few black men started beating up a white boy after discussing the movie as a result of which a huge uproar in America was caused. Directors must always keep in mind that their movies are more than capable of disturbing the law and order in a country because so many people watch it and they interpret the scenes in their own way and this may cause so many unforeseen problems. Such race sensitive scenes should not be shown in movies to be on the safer side. The movie also gave rise to hate crime after its release. Above case which has been discussed in the paper became a very important case in the American constitution. â€Å"A highly charged box of fireworks is the best way to describe "Mississippi Burning". It is 1964 and the Civil Rights Movement is tearing apart many areas in the Deep South. Mississippi is definitely the hottest spot of all as the entire state seems to be split between whites and African Americans.† (Mississippi Burning) The three African American men who were murdered in Mississippi were seeking justice, they wanted the right to vote like any other American but this did not go down too well with The Ku Klux Klan and the local police authorities. Those three men were abducted and murdered very ruthlessly. Miburn was the name of mission undertaken by the FBI to solve this mystery, Miburn stood for Mississippi burning and the investigation found the corpses of those three civil rights workers and the investigation also found the identity of the people who killed them. â€Å"The U. S.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

How My Children Helped Change My Life Essay Example for Free

How My Children Helped Change My Life Essay When my children were born, I knew my life was going to change. I started to feel complete with my life the day my son arrived. Even more complete when my little girl was first placed in my arms. My children have been my rock over the last three and a half years. They have helped me learn, grow, and love by showing me the world through their eyes. My children have helped me become a better role model and friend. They have helped me through my education. With my children I’m always learning something new. Most importantly my little ones have taught me how to love in a whole new light and it’s the small things in life that matter. A few years ago when I was about the age of 16 I knew that I had always wanted to be a mother. At that time I was going through a very difficult stage. I had my head wrapped around alcohol and a not so pleasant drug. As I proceeded to live the life I knew I never wanted, I had a lady a couple years older than me express that she loved her children but she loved the drug we chosen to do and that would never change. I threw my hands up, walked out the door and never returned to that life. I knew I was not destined to be that person. At the age of 18 I had found I was pregnant with my son. My old life was behind me and I knew this child was going to change my life forever. It had changed me into a mother. A month after my son’s first birthday when got the news I was pregnant with my second child. Even though Alieric was only a year old, I think the little man was more excited for a baby than me. He helped me as much as his little fingers could during his my pregnancy. He would grab me trash cans, rub my tummy, and talked to the baby every day. He loved his sister before she even arrived. He touched my heart in more ways than one and showed me even as a tiny person, love still had the power to conquer all. The day my daughter was born, I had to leave my son with a friend until his sister actually arrived. It broke his heart. I promised him that as soon as she was here he would be one of the first people to see her. I reassured him that she was going to love him as much as he had already loved her. That was the day I vowed never to break a promise to him or our new little bundle of joy. Now my children are hitting 4 years and 2 years. As they have grown I have tried my best to show them right from wrong and encourage them to help others as much as they can. Respect and appreciation is something that has been a huge part of my life and now that I have passed that down to my children, I get scolded from them when they think I’m being rude. They teach me right from wrong , and put their mommy in check. â€Å"Say bless you mommy†, â€Å"You’re excused†, â€Å"Mommy that wasn’t nice†, â€Å"I think you owe grandma an apology mom†. Those are the statements you might hear my children say on a daily basis. As I instill respect in them, they also instill respect and courtesy in me. I started school at the Goal Academy in 09 right after my son was born. I pushed myself for him so I could give him a future but that schooling wasn’t working for me. I moved on to the Alternative High School Diploma Program at PCC. Through that program I was pregnant with my little girl and with another baby on the way I pushed myself even harder to get through the program to graduate for them. Every day before I left my son would wish me luck, tell me to do a great job and that he knew that I could do it. That was all the motivation I needed. I made it through it 6 months! My little man guided me through it. He was there to watch me walk across the stage at graduation and all I could hear was him rooting for me. I was on proud momma that my son had so much faith in me. Now as I walk out the door each morning for college and my kiddos stay home , it fills my heart to hear them say things like â€Å" kill that test mom†, â€Å"you got it mommy†, â€Å"see you later, I know you can do it†, â€Å"Have a good day at school†. They are my inspiration and guidance to stay in school. They move me to better and get good grades so I can get the degree I want so I can give them a great life. With my children encouraging me and always being there for me through school , I know I will never give up. They won’t allow it. My children have so much faith in me and knowing that helps me have faith in myself. They teach me compassion and love . They have taught me that every day is a blessing . That god has given me these children for a reason and they have a purpose in life. To my children I’m wonder women for everything I do. They teach me something new with each new passing day, whether it be how to let loose and be free or how to care for their own owies. They teach me how to care for them by just being the little unique individuals that they are. They teach me different things through their personalities. In life they are going to teach me who they are, and along the way, even now, they have taught me who I am. I am a mother. It’s an amazing feeling to say that my children are two of my biggest accomplishments in life. As the end of November 2013 rolls around we will be welcoming a new baby into our little family and I couldn’t be more excited. Just like when I was pregnant with my daughter and how my son helped out, he has now taught his sister to help mommy and how to love this little baby even though he/she isn’t here yet. I could be anymore grateful or proud of my children than I am now. My children are my role models, my blessings and most of all my best friends. They have changed my life more ways than I can count and helped me mold into the person I am today. I honestly wouldn’t change one thing in my life and I’m proud to carry the title â€Å"Mommy†. I will forever hold that title dear to my heart and will never forget who was and still is there for me the most, my beautiful amazing children.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Women Have Natural Power And Abilities English Literature Essay

Women Have Natural Power And Abilities English Literature Essay Abstract The common story in most parts of the globe is that of the humble woman suffering under the cruelty of man. The widespread belief that women have borne the blunt of mans beastly nature makes it challenging to market the idea that women have enormous power that they sometimes utilize in ways that are detrimental to society. This research proposal uses Emily Brontes Wuthering Heights and Anne Brontes Agnes Grey and The Tenant of Wildfell Hall in examining these immense powers on the hands of women. These novels are replete with issues pertaining to female behavior and male response that will help analyze the subject of female power in a deeper sense. Through their strong wills, purposes, and desires, women characters in these novels often form mens characters, and define their behaviors. For example, in Wuthering Heights, Catherines headstrong and rebellious ways are partially responsible for Heathcliffs antisocial behavior, and it is through Catherines lens of how men should behave and react to her demands that she forms Heathcliffs character and leaves him to his madness at her death. In Agnes Grey, Miss Murray forms the manipulative and ultimate perspective alterations in Mr. Hatfields view of women as helpless creatures in their need for rescue, protection, and provision. In light of this argument, how does the womans creation of the patriarchal figuration for the male character affect the man and the woman, especially in the formation of the womans worldview? Does this power result in ramifications for the woman as well? Are women aware of the power that they wield, and if they are, why do they blame the man for relationship and cultural breakdowns? In my dissertation, I use evidence from the Bronte novels to show that it is womens unwillingness toward self-awareness and accountability that contributes to variant male behavior and perceptual outcomes. To that end, I argue that women have far more influence and power than often they acknowledge either publicly or privately, and this power and influence consistently contribute to the formation of male thinking and behavior. Summary Women have natural power and abilities. These innate characteristics affect the intellectual, cultural, spiritual, emotional, sociopolitical, and interpersonal world of men with different outcome and with detrimental results to both genders. An in-depth study of the emergence, construction, and outcomes of feminism on men within myriad contexts is a sure way of vindicating the existence of the female power. Applying this theory to three British novels written by Emily and Anne Bronte Wuthering Heights, Agnes Grey, and The Tenant of Wildfell Hall- this study will draw important correlates between female abilities, capacities, and innate talents and the use of these elements to alter or supersede male potentialities. For example, Catherines misuse of her natural female strengths and talents is used to override Heathcliffs reticence against and desire to withdraw from her controlling manipulation, culminating in tragedy to both characters. Additionally, much has been written about the Bildungsroman in Brontes adolescent-to-adult theme in Agnes Grey. The use of feminine potential and power toward men found in this novel shows the deleterious effects on both men and women. Similarly, female power and control in The Tenant of Wildfell Hall is measured through Helen Grahams interactions with the men in her life. In this novel, Bronte reveals this power and manipulative awareness in her protagonist, but the theme remains intact: women often have inordinate amounts of power and control over men in myriad realms of their lives. The purpose of this dissertation is to explore the above three novels to show the deleterious outcomes of the immense powers in the hands of women. Tentative Title: Medusa never Died: Female Power and Men Victimization Introductory Statement of Background, Purpose and Thesis I will analyze The Tenant of Wildfell Hall and Agnes Grey by Anne Bronte and Emily Brontes Wuthering Heights with the aim of showing how they developed female characters that revealed the resulting destruction when females neither correctly understand nor properly apply their power. The analysis will prove that the female power and influence affect the intellectual, cultural, spiritual, emotional, sociopolitical, and interpersonal world of men with different outcome and with detrimental results to both genders. The purpose of this study will involve comparing three British novels, written by sisters, through whom female power is used to effect masculine changes, behaviors, and affect situational outcomes. Demonstrating the application of feminine power in relationship dyads will support the hypothesis that the female power can manipulate, control, and cause harm to men and, through them, socio-political constructs which affect everyone. In addressing the research problem, then, a thorough review of the selected works, combined with a thorough literature review of existing studies which serve to amplify the feminine use of power to manipulate or form outcomes. As a contribution to human science, my research topic is highly significant for socio-cultural, gender-based, and psychological awareness of conflict source and resolution, and greatly contributes to the literatures body of knowledge. While the literature is rife with widely diverse discourse and study on feminism, the body of knowledge is seriously deficient in considering the research problem. That is because this issue requires a major paradigmatic change since the major outcomes of feminism have been militant and rejects feminine limitations while creating male-opposition toward many of its tenets. Signe Arnfred exposes a practical sense of feminine power in a non-western setting in her article entitled Sex, Food and Female Power: Discussion of Data Material from Northern Mozambique. In this article, she shows how women in a certain part of the world harness their mastery of feminine chores in both reproduction and family into a power tool that calls for respect from men (141). It is vital to note that what the characters in the Bronte novels do is not so much removed from what Arnfred tries to show in her article. The setting might be different, but the game is the same as shown by the similarity of the playe rs. In fact, male dominance was common in Victorian times, as was female servility; But it is this servility that supported the dominance. Critics of the Bronte novels have noticed the male dominance in these novels, and identified the role women play in perpetuating this dominance. The feminine role in the advancement of male dominance is a power in itself, which, if withdrawn, can have a regulatory outcome on male behavior. In the article The Question of Credibility in Anne Brontes The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, Arlene Jackson points out that, Anne Bronte also answers a question that other novels of her time do not ask: what happens to a marriage and to the innocent partner when one partner (specifically, the male) leads a solipsistic life, where personal pleasures are seen as deserved, where maleness and the role of husband is tied to the freedom to do as one wants, and femaleness and the role of wife is linked to providing service and pleasure not necessarily sexual, but including daily praise and ego-boosting and, quite simply, constant attention (203), On the surface, Jackson is asserting that powerlessness is another way of describing women. This is how she decodes the message that Anne Bronte is sending to society through her book. Obviously, numerous people agree with this position, considering the woman to be the victim, suffering silently without a means of escape from the cruel claws of the man. But this is not the case because in the process of praising someone, there is the knowledge that the praise can be withheld. There is also the knowledge that the praise can lead to dependency as well as other undesirable manifestations of character that may be harmful to both the person lavishing praise, who is the woman as well as the man, who is the recipient of the praise. An objective analysis of the message from Jackson reveals that men have a certain degree of dependency on the lavish praise they are showered with by women. As much as Jacksons work may have been an attempt to show the credibility of Anne Brontes literary skills, she helps in the identification of areas of female power that is sometimes wrongly used to enhance female servitude and perpetuate male dominance. Maggie Berg, in her Hapless Dependants, Women and Animals in Anne Brontes Agnes Grey argues that, in a patriarchal society where women are faced with challenges of identity, expression and recognition- the general treatment of women is implied to be like treatment of animals. This position is also shared by another critic of Anne Brontes The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, Juliet McMaster, who takes the position that the Victorian period was characterized by a huge power imbalance that tilted heavily in favor of men. In her article entitled Imbecile Laughter and Desperate Earnest in The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, McMaster talks of a Victorian power structure that did not allow women to have a say in society. All things were done according to the rules set by men for everyone (368). However Berg and McMasters view is harsh and seems to fall into a perception that women have no place in the society. In support of the position that goes against this perception, the several published works that have a stand on womens power in relation to men will be examined too. In this line of scholarship, Naomi Wolf is a popular and influential voice. Her critically acclaimed book entitled Fire with Fire: The New Female Power and How to Use it is a slap on the face of McMaster and Jackson as it crushes their positions on female victimhood. Wolf believes that women have always had more power than men. The biggest problem according to her is that women have not mastered the art of utilizing this power for their benefit (23-25). She further disagrees with women whose time is spent agonizing over a male dominated society where every woman is a victim (56). Evidently, Wolf is not ready to buy into the ideas of Jackson and McMaster. The areas where the latter two see oppression and in justice, the former sees opportunity and freedom that has not been seized by women. As it were, scholarly arguments are as strong as the evidence. Wolf avails solid examples of women who have managed to live happily through the realization that female power is sufficient to combat what has come to be known as male dominance. She points out that politics, business, and family life are all potential areas of female excellence if women meet fire with fire and learn to use some of the tactics men use to manage affairs in society (34). This is the basis of her phrase, fire with fire. Another female scholar who has done research on the issue of female power and influence is Margaret Beetham. In an article entitled Thinking Back Through our Mothers Magazines: Feminisms Inheritance from Nineteenth-Century Magazines for Mothers, Beetham, whose main objective is to survey the motherhood oriented magazines that existed in the nineteenth century, makes a refreshingly different statement based on what she discovers in the magazines she reads. As much as there was injustice in society during a greater part of the Victorian period, there was the acceptance that women were equal to men, but different. The admission of equality in these magazines that were published for mothers shows that the empowering element for women was present. What lacked was the will to pursue the path of equality through the elimination of obstacles that made it difficult for women to enjoy the trappings of a free life. It helps to point out that the writers and publishers of the magazines that Margaret Beetham analyzes in her work were both men and women, with most of them being in the hands of women. The significance of this is that women had access to the tools for empowerment as early as the Victorian time, a period that is attacked as highly paternalistic and patriarchal. This point is shared by Lisa Duggan and Nan Hunter. In Sex Wars: Sexual Dissent and Political Culture, the authors poignantly state that man and woman have always tried to live as a united pair, but the truth is that each is pulling in a different direction. The struggle is purely power based and is largely to blame for much of the s uffering that goes on in society (19-21). My study will be unique in the sense that it will depart from the traditional feminist readings and exegeses like that of Jackson and McMaster. The dissertation will prove the existence of the female power and influence even in the Victorian society; a society that is known as purely chauvinistic. Even in this analysis, my study will also go beyond the stress on the female power in the political and economic spheres as perpetuated by Arnfred, Wolf and Beetham. In contrast, I will focus on the psychological and personal dimension of feminine power. Through the critical examination of the Bronte novels, I will show that the power and influence held by women is not the literal political or physical power that society is used to, but rather the psychological one. It is partially the psychological dependency that men have on women that gives women the ability of manipulate circumstances and conditions in ways that can hurt or heal both parties. Evidently, my dissertation carries anti-feminist tone. The feminist theory will be employed to deconstruct the myth it perpetuates about the hegemony of man and the victimhood of woman. I will also shed light on the psychoanalytic theory to highlight the psychological power and influence women have on men. In a nutshell, through analyzing the three novels and borrowing from the other available materials and the theoretical framework, my study will purposefully prove that women have natural power and abilities; when these innate characteristics are applied to the intellectual, cultural, spiritual, emotional, sociopolitical, and interpersonal world of men, this power can be abused to control and define the opposite sex, with detrimental results to both genders.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Comparing Aeneas from Aeneid and Gilgamesh from the Epic of Gilgamesh :: comparison compare contrast essays

Comparison of Aeneas from Aeneid and Gilgamesh from the Epic of Gilgamesh  Ã‚   The dominant factor in an epic is the heroic main character. This character often is the son of a god or goddess and is favored by the gods. Heroic characters are also always hounded by constant tragedy which drives them to fulfill their fates. Most heroic characters are high in social status and share close contacts with the gods. All of these qualities of heroic characters show up in the characters of Aeneas from The Aeneid and Gilgamesh from the Epic of Gilgamesh. In this essay I will compare and contrast the qualities and plights of both Aeneas and Gilgamesh. These two epic heroes share similar fates, yet are very different in personality. Gilgamesh was an arrogant tyrant of his city-state who was obsessed with increasing his own influence and power while Aeneas was more aloof, letting the gods and the fates guide his actions in life. Aeneas acted as a perfect pawn of the gods and was tossed around at their whims. Gilgamesh on the contrary took fate into his own hands and attempted to gain immortality by seeking out the immortals. Gilgamesh was a man who wanted more power than mortals were allowed and wanted his influence to be known forever. Aeneas simply wanted to fulfill the prophesy of founding Rome and making his Trojan followers happy. Out of the two heroes Gilgamesh was the one who was most aggressive and pursued the more ambitious goal, though it was one near impossible to achieve. Gilgamesh wanted to have a power that only the gods possessed. He wanted to be immortal. Aeneas never sought such an unachievable task, and was not as determined as Gilgamesh was. Aeneas only had to find a place where the defeated Trojans could settle and found a new city. Once in the story he even had to be reminded of his destiny by the Jupiter when he was distracted by his love for Dido. The trials of Aeneas and Gilgamesh were very similar. Both led tragic lives and suffered from the wrath of the gods. Aeneas witnessed his family die, his home city burned to the ground, and was victim to the goddess Juno’s plots throughout his fated journey to Italy. Gilgamesh had seen his best friend die from the gods’ vengeance and was emotionally crushed by it.